If you block someone on instagram can they see your account

But remember, if your account is public they can find you when searching for. Yes, you can see the posts, likes and comments of blocked users unless the user is on private. The answer to this question is NO. When they search for your name they will not see your. You can confirm this by trying to tap the Follow button on their.

If you block someone on instagram can they see your account

How to manage multiple accounts, block users, delete pictures, share posts. This means that even if they are following you, they will not see your photos in their feed, nor will your actions. Instagram and to see if you can. If the profile you blocked is public then you can even view their. What happens if you block someone.

Blocked users can still see your likes and comments on their own posts. If your account is set to public, your followers can see your story from.

If you block someone on instagram can they see your account

If you have mutual friends, they can see you on their posts, try to. If all you want is to stop seeing pictures from someone, just unfollow him or her instead. They are basically different steps that all lead you to the same settings screen. You will see the same Story Settings screen as before. They can still see your likes and comments. They are no longer able to see, like or comment on your pictures.

If you want to unblock someone, just reverse the process. IG users can only see your feed once they send you. But no one looks down at someone for adopting something that is so. Even if you follow them and they follow you, this will prevent them from sending you any future. Secondly, if you block someone you can still see search for their profile, see their profile.

When you block someone, they are prevented from viewing your images. Even if your photos are private visitors to your profile can see who you follow and who. Log into your account ( if not already logged in). As Mashable reported back in October, if you see someone post.

If you block someone on instagram can they see your account

Now, though, if your account is set to private, all you have to do is go to your. However, you can see the Tweets from that account by clicking the View Tweets button.

Profiles that you block can still see your likes and comments on posts that were shared by public accounts or accounts they follow. What does your LINE display look like when you are blocked by someone ? They do not even know that you sent messages to them. If you block someone, “Blocked” appears on message space on your LINE. You cannot see their “Home” page while you are blocked.